How to Open the Xcode Project Directly When We Use SourceTree

More and more projects are controlled by Git, then I start to use SourceTree as the Git GUI. So, many times, I like to open SourceTree first, not some forder, not Xcode. Now, there is a question on my table. After I open the SourceTree, I still need to cd to my xcode project forder, then open the .xcodepro or .xcodeworkspace file. It is boring, right?

So, I expect there is a way to simplify the workflow.

Now, it is coming.

1, created a small automator workflow. There are two workflow files I have written, you can download them in here

2, add Custom Actions on SourceTree.

Script to run: automator

Parameters: -D VariableName=$REPO /Path/To/Workflow.workflow

3, try it!

So, this is all.

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